The Enchanting Attire of Tanjiro: Discover “What Does Tanjiro Wear” to Achieve His Legendary Status

Welcome to our blog post on “What Does Tanjiro Wear?” Tanjiro Kamado is the main protagonist of the popular manga and anime series, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. As a member of the Demon Slayer Corps, Tanjiro wears a unique uniform that sets him apart from other characters in the series.

However, his attire also changes throughout the series based on his experiences and battles. In this post, we will explore the various outfits Tanjiro wears throughout the series and what they symbolize. So, whether you’re a die-hard fan of the series or just curious about Tanjiro’s fashion choices, keep reading to learn more!

Overview of the character Tanjiro

Tanjiro Kamado is the main protagonist of the manga and anime series, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. (Source: Internet)

Tanjiro Kamado is the main protagonist of the manga and anime series, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. He is a kindhearted and determined young man who is on a quest to save his younger sister, Nezuko, from being fully transformed into a demon. Tanjiro’s journey begins after his family is brutally murdered by a demon, leaving him and his sister as the only survivors.

Despite the tragedy that he has experienced, Tanjiro remains optimistic and compassionate, always striving to help those in need. He is also incredibly resilient and determined, pushing himself to the limit in order to become a skilled Demon Slayer and protect his loved ones.

In addition to his strong will and kind nature, Tanjiro possesses a unique ability known as the “Breath of Water,” which allows him to enhance his physical abilities and fight demons with incredible skill. Throughout the series, Tanjiro meets a variety of other characters, both friends and foes, and learns valuable lessons about determination, sacrifice, and the true meaning of strength.

Tanjiro’s clothing is what?

Overall, Tanjiro’s clothing is functional and practical, reflecting his role as a Demon Slayer, but also incorporates elements that showcase his unique skills and personality. (Source: Internet)

As a member of the Demon Slayer Corps, Tanjiro wears a unique uniform that is designed specifically for demon slaying.

His standard uniform consists of a plain white happi coat with a black belt, black pants, and tabi (traditional Japanese socks), and white zori sandals. He also wears a distinctive checkered haori jacket with a green lining, which symbolizes his affiliation with the Water Breathing technique.

In addition to his standard uniform, Tanjiro also wears different outfits throughout the series based on his experiences and battles. For example, after his first encounter with the demon Kyogai in the Drum House arc, his clothes become tattered and torn. Later, when he trains with the Hashira, he wears a modified version of his uniform that includes a white cloak and a blue scarf.

Overall, Tanjiro’s clothing is functional and practical, reflecting his role as a Demon Slayer, but also incorporates elements that showcase his unique skills and personality.

Why is Tanjiro not hiding behind his mask?

The mask is a standard accessory for Demon Slayers and is meant to protect their identity from demons and other enemies. (Source: Internet)

At the beginning of the series, Tanjiro wears a black mask that covers the lower half of his face. The mask is a standard accessory for Demon Slayers and is meant to protect their identity from demons and other enemies.

However, after joining the Demon Slayer Corps, Tanjiro decides to stop wearing his mask in order to better communicate with his allies and show his emotions. He realizes that hiding his face behind a mask cuts him off from others and makes it harder for him to connect with people on an emotional level.

Moreover, Tanjiro’s kindness and empathy towards demons also play a role in why he chooses to remove his mask. By showing his face and treating demons with compassion, he hopes to break down the barrier between humans and demons and create a path toward understanding and peace.

Overall, Tanjiro’s decision to remove his mask is a reflection of his character and values. He prioritizes connection and empathy over secrecy and anonymity and believes that by showing his face and emotions, he can make a positive impact on those around him.

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Kimetsu No Yaiba: Tanjiro’s Hanafuda Earrings and Their Meaning

Overall, Tanjiro’s hanafuda earrings serve both a sentimental and functional purpose in the series. (Source: Internet)

Tanjiro wears a pair of hanafuda earrings in the series, which hold special personal meaning for him.

Hanafuda is a traditional Japanese playing card game that dates back to the 18th century. The name “hanafuda” literally means “flower cards” in Japanese, and the game is played with a deck of special cards featuring images of flowers and other natural elements. Hanafuda is often played as a gambling game or for leisure, and there are various regional variations of the game throughout Japan. In addition to its popularity in Japan, hanafuda has also gained some following in other countries such as Korea and Hawaii.

The hanafuda is a traditional Japanese card game that Tanjiro used to play with his family before they were killed by demons. The earrings belonged to his father and were given to him as a keepsake. Tanjiro wears them as a reminder of his family and the importance of holding onto memories and traditions.

In addition to their personal significance, the hanafuda earrings also serve a practical purpose in the series. They are made from a special type of metal that reacts to the presence of demons, emitting a bright red light when demons are nearby. This allows Tanjiro to detect enemies even if they are hiding or trying to blend in with their surroundings.

Overall, Tanjiro’s hanafuda earrings serve both a sentimental and functional purpose in the series. They remind him of his past and motivate him to pursue his goal of protecting others from the threat of demons, while also helping him to stay alert and aware of potential danger.

Why Does Tanjiro in Demon Slayer Wear Hanafuda Earrings?

Tanjiro wears Hanafuda earrings in Demon Slayer as a symbol of his family and their shared love for the traditional Japanese card game. (Source: Internet)

Tanjiro wears Hanafuda earrings in Demon Slayer as a symbol of his family and their shared love for the traditional Japanese card game. Before his family was killed by demons, they would play Hanafuda together as a way to bond and spend time with one another.

After the tragic event, Tanjiro kept his father’s Hanafuda earrings as a precious keepsake, and he wears them as a reminder of his family, their memories, and the importance of holding onto traditions. The earrings also serve as a source of comfort and motivation for Tanjiro as he navigates his journey as a demon slayer, reminding him of why he is fighting and giving him the strength to continue onward.

In addition to their sentimental value, the Hanafuda earrings have a practical purpose in the series. They are made from a special metal that reacts to the presence of demons, emitting a bright red light when demons are nearby. This allows Tanjiro to detect enemies even if they are hiding or trying to blend in with their surroundings, making them an invaluable tool in his fight against demons.

Overall, Tanjiro’s Hanafuda earrings serve both a symbolic and functional purpose in the series, representing his connection to his family and the importance of tradition, while also aiding him in his mission to protect others from the threat of demons.


1. Over his uniform, Tanjiro wears what?

Tanjiro wears several different clothing items over his uniform throughout the series, depending on the situation he is in. Here are a few examples:

  1. Cloak: During his training with the Hashira, Tanjiro is given a white cloak to wear over his standard uniform. The cloak symbolizes his status as a disciple of the Hashira and also serves to protect him from the elements.
  2. Scarf: Tanjiro wears a blue scarf while training with the Hashira, which is a traditional garment worn by Water Breathing users. The scarf not only keeps Tanjiro warm but also symbolizes his mastery of the Water Breathing technique.
  3. Tattered clothes: After some intense battles, Tanjiro’s uniform can become torn and tattered. Rather than replacing it, he sometimes wears other articles of clothing over his uniform, such as a poncho or a coat, to cover up the damage.
  4. Demon Skin armor: In the Mugen Train arc, Tanjiro and his companions create armor made from the skin of a powerful demon they defeated. Tanjiro’s armor covers his chest, arms, and legs and provides him with additional protection in battle.

Overall, Tanjiro’s clothing choices reflect his practicality and resourcefulness in different situations, as well as his dedication to the Demon Slayer Corps and his training.

2. What kind of attire does Demon Slayers wear?

The Demon Slayer Corps, the main organization of demon hunters in the series, wear a distinct uniform designed specifically for demon slaying. The uniform consists of:

  1. A white happi coat: Similar in appearance to a traditional Japanese short coat, but made from a durable material that is resistant to tears and cuts.
  2. Black pants and tabi: Tabi are traditional Japanese socks with separate slots for the big toe, worn with zori sandals.
  3. Black belt: A simple black belt is worn around the waist to keep the hapji coat secure.
  4. Haori jacket: Each member of the Demon Slayer Corps wears a haori jacket over their happi coat. Haori is a traditional Japanese garment that is worn over a kimono. It is a type of jacket that is often made from silk or wool, and it has a loose and open front design with wide sleeves. Haori jackets were originally worn as a form of outerwear to protect the kimono wearer from the elements, but they also served as a way to express one’s personal style and taste. Today, haori jackets are still worn for formal events such as weddings and tea ceremonies, as well as for casual occasions. They have also become popular fashion items in Japan and around the world. The color of the haori jacket corresponds to the user’s Breath style, with Water Breathing users like Tanjiro wearing a checkered blue and green haori jacket.
  5. Mask: A black mask covers the lower half of the face to protect the identity of the Demon Slayer and prevent demons from reading their facial expressions.

Overall, the Demon Slayer Corps’ uniform is designed for practicality and durability in combat against demons, with each component serving a specific purpose. The uniform also displays the distinctive Breath style of each individual user through the color and design of their haori jacket.

4. Why is Tanjiro covered up in a kimono?

Tanjiro wears a kimono on several occasions throughout the series. In many cases, he wears it as a sign of respect for traditional Japanese culture and customs.

For example, in the Natagumo Mountain arc, Tanjiro and his companions visit an old lady who lives deep in the forest. The lady is a former member of the Demon Slayer Corps and has valuable information about demons that could help them in their mission. As a gesture of respect, Tanjiro and his companions wear kimonos when visiting her.

Additionally, in the final battle against Muzan Kibutsuji, Tanjiro wears a white kimono with a blue haori jacket. The kimono is a symbol of purity and righteousness, reflecting Tanjiro’s dedication to his mission of protecting humanity from demons.

Overall, Tanjiro wears a kimono as a way to show respect for traditional Japanese culture and customs, and also to reflect his values and beliefs in certain situations.

5. Why were Tanjiro’s earrings edited out?

Tanjiro’s earrings are not officially censored in any version of the Demon Slayer anime or manga. However, there have been instances where the earrings have appeared differently due to errors or artistic choices.

For example, in episode 23 of the anime, there is a scene where Tanjiro’s earrings are drawn as plain circles instead of the usual Hanafuda cards design. This was likely an error made by the animators and was corrected in future episodes and releases.

In other cases, some fans have speculated that the earrings may have been altered or censored in certain promotional materials or merchandise due to copyright issues with the Hanafuda card game. However, this has not been confirmed by the creators of the series or any official sources.

Overall, while there have been instances where Tanjiro’s earrings have appeared differently, there is no evidence to suggest that they have been intentionally censored in any way.

6. Why is Tanjiro’s scar different looking?

In the anime adaptation of Demon Slayer, Tanjiro’s scar looks different in some scenes compared to the manga. This is due to artistic choices made by the animators and is not a plot point or character development.

In the manga, Tanjiro’s scar is depicted as two parallel lines that run across his forehead and down the right side of his face. However, in some episodes of the anime, the scar appears thicker and more pronounced, with additional lines branching off from the main scar.

These changes are likely made to emphasize the severity of Tanjiro’s injury and to create a more striking visual impact for the viewer. In some cases, the animation team may have also wanted to highlight the scar as a symbolic reminder of Tanjiro’s determination and resilience in the face of adversity.

Overall, while there are differences in the appearance of Tanjiro’s scar between the anime and manga, they do not affect the overall story or character development.

7. What do Tanjiro’s pants look like?

Tanjiro wears black pants as part of his Demon Slayer Corps uniform. The pants are designed to be lightweight and flexible, allowing for ease of movement during battles with demons.

The pants are also made from a durable material that is resistant to tears and cuts. This is important since Tanjiro frequently engages in high-speed combat and needs clothing that can withstand damage.

In addition to the standard black pants, Tanjiro also wears different types of clothing over his uniform at times, such as tattered clothes or demon skin armor. However, regardless of what he wears over his uniform, he consistently wears the same black pants as part of his Demon Slayer Corps attire.

8. What is the name of the Tanjiro Fox mask?

Tanjiro’s fox mask is called a Kitsune mask. The Kitsune mask is commonly used in Japanese traditional theater, such as Noh and Kyogen, to represent various characters, including deities, spirits, and animals.

In Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Tanjiro wears the mask during his training with Urokodaki Sakonji to help him concentrate on his sense of smell. The mask represents a fox, which is known for its keen sense of smell, and allows Tanjiro to focus on detecting scents more easily.

The Kitsune mask has a distinctive design featuring a long snout, sharp teeth, and pointed ears. In the series, Tanjiro’s mask is also adorned with a red marking between the eyes, which symbolizes his connection to his family and his mission to protect his loved ones.


So, “What does tanjiro wear?“, in conclusion, Tanjiro Kamado, the main protagonist of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, wears a unique uniform as a member of the Demon Slayer Corps. His standard uniform consists of a white happi coat, black pants, tabi, a black belt, and a distinctive checkered haori jacket with a green lining symbolizing his affiliation with the Water Breathing technique. In addition to his standard uniform, Tanjiro wears different outfits based on his experiences and battles, such as a white cloak and blue scarf during his training with the Hashira or demon skin armor in the Mugen Train arc.

Tanjiro also wears Hanafuda earrings that hold special personal meaning for him, representing his connection to his family and tradition, and serving a practical purpose by reacting to the presence of demons. The Kitsune mask he wears during his training also helps him concentrate on his sense of smell.

Overall, Tanjiro’s clothing choices reflect his practicality, resourcefulness, and dedication to the Demon Slayer Corps, while also showcasing his unique skills, personality, and values.

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About Yuu Sato

Yuu Sato has been working in hospitality industry since 2003. In the past, he used to work as a tour guide and now he is running his business of supplying comfortable accommodations in Japan. Thanks to this experience and his passion for writing blog, the articles by him provides awesome tips and things to do when you are traveling in the country of cherry blossoms.

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